Out Twogether
you got trapped inside the seemingly broken AI!
but working twogether you can help each other escape...
the game was made in 48 hours for united gamejam <3
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Very clever! very enjoying! thanks! a beautiful world! however no linux version!
there is a bug on "twogether" level, if chacter keep moving left, it can be out of bound
Amazing game
I love how you put soul in the games and they are not just a game but a story :)
loved the game! <3
when you press R that restart the name, so when in you AI name you cant have R letter :s
Felicitaciones!!! Alguien me dice por favor como guardar el progreso?
I really enjoyed this game , and just like maskless, it left me confused. I still dont understand exactly what happened in both games but I really like the creativity in both of them. its extremely different and I love it. here is my video on the game:
If you enjoyed the video then please consider subscribing! If you did not enjoy the video then please tell me what you did not enjoy in the comments so I can improve :)
This puzzle platformer is very good! Really enjoyed the control power feature!
The multiple layer of the puzzles felt very good!
As a small note , since I know it's not really meant to be played on browser, but accidentally hitting CTRL +W made me close the window, oops.
That was awesome! I really loved your game! You only had 48 hours, but your game is very much polished. The puzzles weren't too hard, but still made me scratch my head from time to time. The plot was also good.
Over all an amazing game.